
Our kindergarten consists of 12 groups equipped with all the necessary facilities to provide a complete pre-school education.

The building is located in the center of Almaty and was built in accordance with the highest quality standards.
4 205 м²
building area
0.9 ha
total area
places for children
Group on duty: 19.00 — 21.00
Working hours: 08.00 — 18.00, Mon-Fri
Key benefits
Location in the heart of the city
Language immersion program
10 playgrounds with gazebos
Sports halls and football field
Winter and summer swimming pool with filtration and heating
Separate kitchen, storage and laundry building
Video surveillance system throughout the territory
Salt room with a unique microclimate
Our mission
We raise the level of pre-school education in the country and create all conditions for the comprehensive development of children, as well as for their preparation for successful education at the next levels of education.

We make the first social experience for the child the most favorable and fruitful.

With us, your child will acquire the necessary basis for further harmonious development.
Playgrounds and sports grounds, children's towns, designed for all age categories.
The territory of the garden is landscaped with a natural living green lawn. More than 70 trees and shrubs grow.

The automatic watering system has a beneficial effect on all green spaces and on the health of children.
Almost no kindergarten in the city has such a beautiful territory
Almost no kindergarten
in the city has such
a beautiful territory
Our internal
control service
is prepared
Surveillance cameras are installed in all premises and throughout the territory.

When a child is enrolled in a kindergarten, parents are provided with access to a video surveillance system.

You can watch the child during the entire time spent in kindergarten.
for work
in educational
An access control system is installed at the entrance. The administration provides unique cards to employees and customers, without which access to the territory is impossible.
Classic Kindergarten team
  • Salimbayeva Zhulduz Omarovna
  • Kolesina Alena Valerievna
  • Sherbakova Yuliya Nikolaevna
  • Kapalbay Aygerim Gaidarkyzy
  • Iminova Rozygul Masimzhanova
  • Sattarova Svetlana Aleksandrovna
  • Kabzhanova Botagoz Koysheva
  • Sydykova Dinara Maratovna
  • Babenko Elena Nikolaevna
  • Bokysheva Asel Aipsabyrkyzy
    Duty educator of the second language
  • Sansizbayeva Zhanara Nurlanovna

    Second language educator

  • Kabulova Saliha Khalikulkyzy
    Second language educator
  • Tolesh Nagima Baktiyarkyzy
    Second language educator
  • Balkibayeva Dilara Nurlankyzy
    Second language educator
  • Akylbekova Gaukhar Mukhtarkyzy
    Second language educator
  • Kurmanova Adeliya Ersainovna
    Second language educator
  • Bozymbayeva Symbat Manatbekkyzy
    Second language educator
  • Prokopenko Natalya Vladimirovna
    Music teacher
  • Nurgaskayeva Rauza Zhakipovna
  • Alina Gulmira Kurbanzhanovna
    Yoga trainer
  • Salimbayeva Anel Sayatovna
    Office Manager
  • Sadeneva Ayzhan Erzhanovna
  • Maitanova Aigul Nurgalievna
