Social skills:
Board games with rules become available: dominoes, checkers, lotto. Plays “school” game, taking on the role of a teacher. Easily joins in a joint game with children, can agree with a partner on joint actions, well understands the instructions of not very familiar people for organizing any activity. In the presence of parents, he/she can essentially answer questions from complete strangers.
Cognitive activity:
Gives his/her name, surname, says how old he/she is, names the city in which he/she lives, knows the names of parents, their profession and where they work. Spatial (right and left) and temporal (morning, afternoon, evening, recently, yesterday, tomorrow) representations are formed. Knows the current month, the sequence of days of the week, seasons. Can generalize furniture, clothing, vegetables/fruits, domestic/wild animals, household appliances, toys. Comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives, various antonyms appear in speech, the ability to distinguish sounds in words and add words from sounds is formed.
Study skills:
Counting within 10 as well as in reverse order, the ability to solve simple problems and puzzles, determine the direction: forward, backward, right, left, up, down. Correctly answers the questions: “How much?”, “Which?”, “Which one in the order?”. Knows such geometric shapes as square, rectangle, circle, triangle, trapezoid, rhombus; geometric bodies: cube, ball, cylinder, pyramid.